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Gabriel Castelló Murphy


Les inscultures són un patrimoni que tenim a Catalunya. No són molt conegudes, però a l’Albera de Rabós d’Empordà se’n poden trobar.

El 3 de gener del 2021, jo, en Gabriel, i el meu pare, en Joan, vam anar a trobar-les. En Joan em va portar per un camí de terra, sovint utilitzat pels caçadors del senglar, caminant 30 minuts amunt. Quan vam percebre que el camí s’aplanava, en Joan em va avisar que havíem de trobar unes quantes pedres juntes a la vora del camí. Elles indicaven que havíem de trencar a la dreta pel mig de la vegetació. I efectivament, just quan ho va dir, les vam veure, eren just als nostres peus. Tot seguit, vam agafar el caminet que penetrava pel mig dels brucs i romanís fins a arribar a un conjunt d’arbres, a sota els quals es trobaven tres roques formant el que segurament vindria a ser un dolmen, tot i que no estava indicat com a tal. Juntament a aquestes, hi havia 3 roques més de diferents mides. Aquí, el meu pare em va assenyalar amb el dit els dibuixos en forma de cercles i línies que hi havia gravats en aquestes roques. Això són inscultures, em diu. Jo em vaig quedar perplex. No n’havia vist mai i no parava de fer-me preguntes al cap. En Joan em va començar a explicar que segurament aquestes formes les van fer els habitants d’aquestes terres fa com a mínim 4000 anys, ben bé humans prehistòrics. Encara més perplex, em va continuar explicant que segurament tenien significacions a l’hora de realitzar rituals, com podria ser que es fes córrer la sang per aquests forats i canals incrustats a la pedra... qui sap per què, ells devien tenir les seves raons. L’emplaçament, s’ha de dir que era excepcional. Situat damunt d’una vall, amb la serralada de l’Albera just darrere i amb vistes a la plana de l’Empordà i el mar. Molt estratègic.

Baixant la muntanya, amb la posta de sol als ulls i la Garnatxa, la nostra gossa, vigilant per davant, em sentia lleuger, excitat i molt encuriosit.

Al arribar a casa, no m’ho vaig poder treure del cap. Vaig fer una cerca per Internet escrivint el nom “Inscultures”. Vaig trobar informació* sobre les diferents hipòtesis i teories que es tenen sobre el seu significat i la seva història. Es veu que efectivament aquests gravats podrien haver estat creats per realitzar rituals, de sang o amb altres líquids. A més, es creu que van ser els propis constructors dels dòlmens i menhirs qui les van esculpir, amb útils de materials de pedra o metàl·lics. També podrien ser mapes terrestres o estel·lars, o relacionades amb explicacions de llegendes..

És fascinant tot el territori i cultura que tenim aquí als entorns del Celler Castelló Murphy. Les inscultures ja ens han inspirat per el següent projecte, que no us podeu perdre. Ho sabreu aviat!



“Inscultures” are a heritage we have in Catalonia. They are not very well known, but they can be found in the Albera mountains of Rabós d’Empordà.

On January 3rd, 2021, Gabriel, me, and my father, Joan, went to search for them. Joan took me on a path, often used by wild boar hunters, walking 30 minutes up. When we noticed that the path was flattening, Joan warned me that we had to find a few stones together on the side of the path. They indicated that we had to break right, through the middle of the vegetation. And indeed, just as he said it, we saw them, they were right at our feet. We then took the trail that penetrated through the heather and rosemary until we reached a set of trees, under which were three rocks forming what would surely be a dolmen, although it was not indicated as one. Along with these, there were 3 more rocks of different sizes. Here, my father pointed his finger at the drawings in the form of circles and lines that were engraved on these rocks. These are “inscultures", he tells me. I was perplexed. I had never seen one and I kept asking myself questions. Joan began to explain that these forms were probably made by the inhabitants of these lands at least 4000 years ago, well prehistoric humans. Even more perplexed, he went on to explain that they probably had meanings when it came to performing rituals, like for making blood flow through these holes and channels embedded in the stone ... who knows why, they must have had their reasons. The location, it must be said, was exceptional. Located on top of a valley, with the Albera mountain range just behind and overlooking the Empordà plain and the sea. Very strategic.

Going down the mountain, with the sunset in my eyes and Garnatxa, our dog, watching ahead, I felt light, excited and very curious.

When I got home, I couldn't get it out of my head. I did an internet search typing the name “Inscultures”. I found information * about the different hypotheses and theories there are about its meaning and history. It is seen that indeed these engravings could have been created to perform rituals, of blood or with other liquids. As well, it is believed that it was the builders of the dolmens and “menhirs” who sculpted them, with tools made of stone or metal. They could also be terrestrial or stellar maps, or related to explanations of legends...

It's fascinating all the territory and culture that we have here in the surroundings of the Celler Castelló Murphy. The "inscultures" have already inspired us for our next project, which you can't miss. You'll know very soon!


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